It’s almost a new year and now is the time to stop and reflect on the past 363 days of 2016. Stop to remember all of our successes and joyful moments, as well as the curveballs that were thrown at us (life happens) and how we reacted to them and the lessons that we may… [Read More]
After Love Income is Everything!
Let’s face it…it’s all about love, do you agree? If not, then no need to read any further. So if it’s about love, and love is about others, shouldn’t we strive to protect the ones we love the most to the fullest of our ability? We do a good job of financially supporting our immediate… [Read More]
Begin with the end in mind…
In planning anything, logic says that we should always have a (clear) vision, or at least a fairly good idea of what the plan’s projected outcome will be. If you are starting a business, or doing an addition/remodel of your home, you would have a blueprint created that would effectively demonstrate the end result and… [Read More]
The danger of complacency around money and planning
As human beings we are designed to feel the need to always be protected and so we grow our own personal comfort zone around most things. As a result of making some mistakes along life’s journey, we learn and hopefully grow from them, and we also learn to block or avoid dealing with or thinking… [Read More]
Cash-Flow is Everything (now and forever)
Have you ever asked yourself, “What’s it all about? Why am I working so hard?” Hopefully part of the answer is so you can enjoy life and have a nice lifestyle. So why do we sacrifice and save along the way? To have a safer tomorrow? And the more we add to the pile the… [Read More]
10% Minimum Savings Rule to Financial Freedom (15% is better/20% is ideal)
Here’s the rub on savings…you can NEVER start too soon and you can never save too much! After working almost 29 years in the financial services arena I now know and believe that the single most important thing you or anyone can do, beginning with the first dollar you ever earn, is to take and… [Read More]
Financial Engineering
I love the “financial entertainers” who have done an excellent job of promoting a most inefficient personal financial strategy around “buy term life and invest the difference”. During the discovery process with a new client this proves true with most as they share their current financial picture with me. A vast majority of the Main Street… [Read More]
Term Life Insurance
How does term insurance work? Simply stated, if you purchase a term insurance policy (or multiple life insurance policies) and you die while the insurance is in-force the insurance company pays out the full coverage amount in a lump sum, income tax-free. Your named beneficiaries can then invest that large amount of money to replace… [Read More]