Since 1992, Kettler Financial has been conducting business in the greater Miami & South Florida area, helping our clients maximize their personal financial potential while protecting the ground they have gained, utilizing a balanced approach to wealth accumulation, asset protection, and retirement income planning. We incorporate a “begin with the end in mind” philosophy, and strategies that combine the proper ratios of financial products, both securities (risk/reward) and insurance based (guarantees).
What we do is offer financial clarity in order to deepen economic confidence and create greater value for our clients.
About our “holistic” process…
Initially, we go through an in-depth discovery process to learn and understand who our clients are and what’s important to them, both right now and long-term. We ultimately want to be able to walk in a client’s shoes and think with their pockets. It’s not our money or our life, it’s yours. It’s not about what we think and do, it’s about YOU!
We build strong, long-lasting relationships with our clients and we don’t charge for our time. We never want our clients (and perspective clients) to hesitate picking-up the phone to ask us a question with the thought that the clock is running. We welcome all calls, and not only about the financial products and strategies we recommend.
We’re not looking to replace anybody on your team…
It has likely taken quite some time to find the advisors that you both like and trust. We strive to only make those relationships stronger by arming you with additional information and questions that you can go back to them with. So without “telling” a client to change what they are doing, we simply test current methods and then find out “together” if they are on track to meet your current objectives, or if a possible “tweak here or there” can put you in a better spot both now and forever in what we call a “co-creative” process.
It’s all about YOU (not us)
Our intention with every client is to share some extraordinary financial strategies that are truly uncommon. A very small number of people in this country have access to this type of information. This unique knowledge exposes the fact that traditional financial planning is common, and what may seem to make (common) sense. When in reality it often proves to be very inefficient. If it really worked, more people would be doing better financially.
We use protection-first strategies that help you WIN by NOT LOSING. To “Protect the Ground you have Gained” as losses will hurt your financial plan twice as much as gains will help. These alternative strategies are designed to maximize your actual overall return on investment by reducing risk and transferring it whenever possible. The outcome is increased economic confidence and financial peace of mind.
What we are effectively doing is putting our clients in the best possible financial spot that they can be, now and forever, and getting them to the “finish line” both safer and sooner than had they never met us. By implementing additional financial planning tools and strategies that allow our clients to realize a significantly greater income stream & lifestyle during retirement then they are otherwise setting themselves up to achieve. Lastly…we strive to accomplish all this with little to no out of pocket cost by looking at current cash-flows and discovering possible inefficiencies within your current plan.
Consider this – if we could share some (uncommon) financial planning strategies that do exactly what has been stated here, would you be “open” to finding out and discovering if they may be right for you? Let’s sit down for an hour and have a conversation, with no pressure and zero expectations that you will make any changes to your current plan unless it makes perfect sense, you fully understand the strategies being presented, and see exactly how significant of an impact it would have on your overall financial life moving forward. Only then would we hope that you would want to implement any changes with us.
Bottom line…you don’t have to implement on any of the strategies presented. However, after gaining a new perspective you may want to make some changes that would allow for a better future for yourself and your loved ones.