It’s almost a new year and now is the time to stop and reflect on the past 363 days of 2016. Stop to remember all of our successes and joyful moments, as well as the curveballs that were thrown at us (life happens) and how we reacted to them and the lessons that we may have learned from them. It’s the time to wipe the slate clean as we look ahead, set new goals, make new year resolutions, move forward (while we can still move), and take “action” on the most important things that we can and should be doing. Not always as easy as it sounds right…the action/execution part? I do understand human behavior, and probably our strongest inherent enemy, resistance! You know that voice inside your head (not heart) that stops us cold from doing those new and different things that we want to do, and stay in our comfort zone where resistance lives. Fear is what resistance thrives on and so while our intentions are most likely very good, and the desired outcome could very well be life changing, we tend to set aside and put-off taking action on the things we are resisting most, yet those same things on the top of your to-do lists are usually the most important things you should be addressing.
What does all that have to do with the American dream? It has everything to do with it. We live in a still free, capitalistic Nation. A land where you can do or be anything you want if you believe that you can and then work at it. Yes, I’m sorry to tell you that it takes some effort and energy to make things happen. I do believe that the world is extremely unbalanced and there is much work to be done there, and we don’t really know where it’s ultimately gong. Our great country has been through a lot of turmoil over the last 100-years and yet the financial markets are hitting new all-time record highs. There is so much opportunity for those who believe there is and goes out and makes it happen, and the Unites States of America is still one of the best places to capitalize on all of your wants, hopes, and dreams.
So why not take a 15 minute pause (yes, right now) and reflect on this past year. What did you actually accomplish and what did you never get around to do that you really wanted or you know you should be doing? What goals did you realize or what did you put off day after day that would ultimately lead to peace of mind for having completed? Take out a sheet of paper and write down your 2017 resolutions and goals (set them high) and then prioritize them. Then step into action and kick-off 2017 by getting out of your own way and changing your life and future. And when resistance rears its ugly head just tell it where the “F” to go and capture your American dream in 2017 & beyond…